General Information about a Capsule Endoscopy

Thank you for considering to have a Capsule Endoscopy with us. We feel it is very important for you to take the time to read the following document carefully, and if you have any unresolved issues following completion of this document, please bring these up with your doctor or Dr Lynch prior to the procedure.

What is a Capsule Endoscopy?

A capsule endoscopy is a method by which the small bowel is visualised by the swallowing of a capsule that contains a tiny camera. Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy only obtain limited views of the small bowel and hence there is a large section of small bowel that remains unvisualised. Once the capsule has been swallowed it transmits photographs of the lining of the small bowel to a recording devise worn outside the body. It is generally a safe procedure, however, if you have a pace maker inserted it may interfere with the proper functioning of this and you will need to notify us if such is the case. Further, if there is anything to suggest that you may have an obstruction of the small bowel, at which point the capsule may get stuck, we would like to be notified.

Patients that are at particularly high risk of the capsule getting stuck include:

  • People that have been on Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • People who have had previous surgery in the small bowel
  • People who have had previous radiotherapy to their abdomen
  • People with previous episodes of small bowel obstruction
  • People with certain diseases such as Crohns disease

Clearly, if you have any concerns with regards to this please feel free to contact Dr. Lynch's rooms at which point you can discuss these issues further.

Preparation for your Capsule Endoscopy

Consuming normal food up until 4pm. Then clear fluids only until you go to bed.(12 a.m. no more clear fluids) Please no medication to be taking the morning of your capsule endoscopy.

Approved fluids:
  • Water
  • Apple or pear juice
  • Plain jelly
  • Black tea or coffee
  • Bonox
  • Lucozade
  • Gatorade
  • Staminade
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Barley sugar drink
  • Clear broth
  • Lime or lemon cordial
  • Dairy Products (milk, plain ice cream & plain yoghurt)

Please have nothing to eat or drink in the morning of your Capsule Endoscopy.


Approximately 1 week before your Procedure:
  1. Medicare Card, Health Fund, DVA & Pension Details
  2. Referral from your GP (fax 07 5599 2293 or email to
  3. Tweed Day Surgery paperwork (click here to complete online)
  4. Call us on 07 5599 2295 to determine which preparation to use
  5. Purchase preparation from us or buy from your pharmacy
  6. View and follow your diet and preparation information (see preparation tab above)
On the day of your procedure:
  • Ensure you have a driver. The patient must not drive on the day of their procedure.
  • Payment (eg. Credit Card) for Tweed Day Surgery

Where to go for your Capsule Endoscopy

Coast Endoscopy Centre

Suite 7a

38-44 Boyd Street

Tweed Heads, 2485

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Got any questions?

Call us on 07 5599 2295